Monday 16 November 2015

Reading the red tree by Shaun Tan

In room 14 we have been learning about sophisticated picture books and this book is really interesting to read.So we had to do a sheet that was a ....I see,I think and I connect.

and this is what I wrote down for all of those columns 

I see
The colours I see in this book is blended colours.
The sizes of the pictures are small and big.

I think 
I think she is a lonely girl about 9-10 years
old.Also she probably wants friends to play with.

I connect
I can connect to this because I have seen alot of people lonely 
and wanting to play with someone including myself.

I think this is a really cool book even the person that made this book is awesome.He inspired me by whenever your lonely never give up to find someone to play with because one day you wont be the person that's lonely, always show kindness to each other.

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