Sunday 29 November 2015

Night Glow

On Saturday night I went to the night glow. When mum, Roy and his sons Ezra and Elias and me and my cousin Sage were ready we had to go to Chartwell to get some glow sticks. Then we left our car there because we were catching the bus. I was so excited because we were catching the bus. There were other people at the bus stop waiting to go to the Night Glow. When the bus came it was packed, we all had to stand up. It was annoying because people were pushing, that's why we had to hold on to the poles.

When we got to the Night Glow it was so awesome because it was my first time going to this balloon show. Roy had to tell us that if we got separated we would have to meet at the blue flag.

For dinner we had fish n chips, Unfortunately  it started to rain when we were half way threw our chips but we didn't really mind we just kept on eating. When we were finished we bought  tickets for some rides. Me and my cousin Sage got 3 tickets and Ezra and Elias got 7.

I thought that 3 tickets wasn't fair for us but my mum said that 3 tickets was enough for us because she didn't have enough money for 7 tickets for me and Sage. Sage said that we should go to the Haunted House so we told my mum and she said yes, but she didn't notice that my cousin Sage was gone. We looked everywhere but we couldn't see her anywhere.  We eventually found her.

 we watched it a little bit. Then we saw a couple of lanterns. After  when we watched the lanterns me and my cousin. Then they went down because the fire cut off in the lanterns. it was really fun there was only two lanterns up in the sky so we went to look for my mum then I saw her she was with the boys and Roy then I said mum then i tapped her and she got a fright and she said  where have you been and I said
we have been looking for you because we thought that you hear us say that we could look for the haunted house   we went then we thought that we were getting lost. So we came back  to the place where you were and when we were going to the place where you were and  we didn't see you we went around
and I spooted you.

 And my mum said dont go anywhere else stay here and I said yes. Roy gave me and my cousin one more ticket so we had four tickets.
Me and my cousin saw a circus house that your allowed to go in .It was for 4  
tickets so me and my cousin went into the fun circus house and I gave my tickets and went in.It was a little bit hard.

Affter the fun time it was time for
Ezra and my mums time to go on a ride.When they hopped on I said good luck
on the ride and she said yes. I was watching them while they were on the ride.
And at the end it went high as and people were screaming on the ride then it went down I said did you have fun and she said not really and Ezra said it was fun.

Then it was time to go the fireworks were going and we were waiting in line
for our bus. When it was our turn on the bus we finally got seats. Then we got
to chartwell and we went home for a sleep at home.

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