Monday 21 September 2015

term 3 reflection

In term 3 we had lots of fun with a variety of events and tasks to complete.The most challenging task this term for me was competing in inter school cross country to represent Vardon school.In inter school cross country, we had to run 2.5 km. I was lucky enough to come 25th place. It was challenging because I had to run a big and a small lap and I most likely ran out of breath.The most successful task this term for me was algebra.In algebra we had to learn patterns and shapes and symbols meaning keys,It was a successful maths subject for me because when I was stuck I just kept trying  never gave up because at the start I found it difficult but now it is a really easy subject to learn.And now lastly the most best task I enjoyed was having a PJ party with a movie and snacks,so on the day we got to wear our PJ's to school,bring snacks,and also we got to watch a movie called paper planes but I missed out on it because the Maori people had to go to production class to practise which was pretty much a bummer.But the rest of the day I enjoyed alot.

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